A modern, wellness and self-care brand identity for “Hobbs Holistic Health”
This one really deserves a full write-up as a substantial body of work went into the process that lead to this solution but, you know, “busy, busy, busy!” Enjoy the preview for now.
A full identity pack was provided with the logo and its components supplied in various formats and colour-ways for different applications, along with documentation detailing when and how each should be used.
It was great working with Jules and learning about her plans for “Hobbs Holistic Health” and where she intends to take the business, I was really happy to be involved.
She’s not got her website done yet but as soon as its ready I’ll add a link so you can check it out.
And Jules, when you get your freebies branded, I could always use more pencils for the office! “Thaaaaaaaaanks!” (Photos to be added when the loot arrives)